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Author: John Mehegan Summary: There are several John Mehegan books out there. His approach comes from a pro background. He stresses learning chord changes by the number (Nashville style) which makes it super easy to play any song in any key.
The books are well written and full of jazz piano information. I personally own four or five of his books and they are some of the most used books on my shelf.
Free Download Program Xbox Games Compatible With The 360 Company here. I'll add John Mehegan books as one of my top 5 (ok, so it's more than one book, but his name needs to be there regardless.) These books are relatively inexpensive, but they are priceless at the same time. I learned my first 2-5-1 out of a John Mehegan book and will never forget the 'ah ha' moment when I played it and suddenly it sounded like jazz!
Description (book jacket or other publisher notes): Just a bit of back cover information from some of his books. Improvising Jazz Piano 'A brilliant and instructive treatise on the principles of jazz piano improvisation. Deals with all aspects, including a survey of piano styles from 1900 (stride piano) to the present day (contemporary jazz piano). Most Precious Blood Nothing In Vain Zip on this page. A book which will prove of immense value to both professional pianists and serious students of jazz piano.' Jazz Improvisation 1: Tonal and Rhythmic Principles The fundamentals of jazz are here explained and systemized in 70 lessons based on 60 jazz standards.
It covers the styles of musicians from Buddy Bolden to Dizzy Gillespie. Jazz Rhythm and The Improvised Line A brilliant and schematic history of two important aspects of jazz. Contents include fingered bass lines and solos for 29 pieces, from Bessie Smith to Miles Davis.