Nick Cave The Bad Seeds Push The Sky Away Rapidshare Library
![Nick Cave The Bad Seeds Push The Sky Away Rapidshare Library Nick Cave The Bad Seeds Push The Sky Away Rapidshare Library](
By Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. 2013 • 9 songs. Play on Spotify. We No Who U R. Wide Lovely Eyes. Water's Edge. Jubilee Street. We Real Cool. Finishing Jubilee Street. Higgs Boson Blues. Push the Sky Away.
B/C 320 TRACING AMERICA’S ENSLAVEMENT TO JEWISH BANKERS By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2011 Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner & Link To (SM) Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! Or Send Your Contribution To: The Brother Nathanael Foundation, PO Box 547, Priest River ID 83856 E-mail: ___________________ DOMINATED BY SEPHARDIC JEWISH BANKERS, the private Bank of England expanded its investments into North America largely through the Hudson Bay Company., &. The early American colonists of the 17th Century were beholden to the Bank of England’s Jewish owners — from their labor — as repayment for funding the “opportunity” to create a new way of life in the New World. Struggling to be released from the burden of debt to the Bank of England, the colonists the Massachusetts Bay Company, printing its own home-grown paper money in 1690, a currency not backed by silver or gold. In other words, it was a fiat money, by England’s parliament, in a continual conflict with their American subjects regarding taxes and all other debts. By 1742, with every colonial Royal Governor instructed to curtail the issue of colonial money, the British Resumption Act that taxes be paid in gold.
This caused a depression in the colonies - property was seized by the Royalists for one-tenth of its value. Benjamin Franklin, a of the colonies printing their own money, in his, that the main cause of the Revolutionary War of 1776 was not the tax on tea or the Stamp Act but King George’s refusal to accept the paper money of his subjects..
By winning the war in 1783, the colonists took control of their own government. Yet, America to the Jewish owners of the Bank of England, which by this time the Rothschilds, Montefiores, Goldsmids, Mocattas, and the Oppenheimers, (all powerful Jewish families with control of the gold trade), by Nathan Mayer Rothschild.,,, &. The ‘united States,’ in spite of the historical propaganda we are forced-fed with, was NOT free. A DEBT BURDENED NATION THE COLONISTS MAY HAVE WON THE WAR but they were still in bondage to the Jewish Bankers.
Reeling under the debt, the united States re-introduced taxes to pay off their Jewish masters. Thus, Alexander Hamilton, of international Jewry, Congress to pass the 1791 Assumption Act — which created America’s first national bank, the First Bank of America, chartered by the private Bank of England for a term of twenty years — in its plan to control the monies of the so-called “independent” united States. In other words, in creating this bank, America was forced to charter it with the same Jewish bankers that were holding its debts before the “war of independence.” In 1811, the twenty year contract with the Bank of England expired.
The struggling new nation to renew the charter with its attendant enslavement. In response, England with America in what we now call the War of 1812.
The Brits invaded Washington DC the White House, the Treasury Department Building, and the Library of Congress. Although “court historians” that America “won” the War of 1812, it actually lost it.
The accumulated debt as a result of this war dictated the creation of a new central bank by European financiers. Thus, in 1816, President James Madison was compelled to the Second Bank of the United States. And again, it was chartered by the private Bank of England which held. And so, America’s enslavement to Jewish bankers continued for yet another 20 years. FREE AT LAST?
FOUR YEARS BEFORE the charter was set to expire in 1836, President Andrew Jackson its renewal putting the Rothschilds and their fellow Jews in America. Jackson not only the unconstitutional minting of US money by private interests but also had the brains to the problem. Although now by economists such as Lyndon LaRouche and associates, for the greater good of America, President Jackson federal troops into the states who refused, (albeit indirectly), to pay off the debt to Jewish bankers, forcing those states to collect taxes.,, &. For seventy-seven years, although argued that of America’s railroads and kept the nation under Jewry’s thrall, America was no longer under the heel of Jewish bankers.
Andrew Jackson, remarkablyfederal force notwithstandingpaid off the debt. But sadly, to America’s tragedy, in 1913 the privately-owned Jewish consortium slavery apparatus, the Federal Reserve Bank, was by Jewry’s shill in the White House, Woodrow Wilson. This pawn of the Jews, Wilson, obeying his Jewish masters, the ‘Jew-tax’ upon Americans, the “Income Tax,” to pay for the coming “advances” with accruing interest made to the US government by the Jews of the Federal Reserve.
And to this day, the between the Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of England under the dictates of international Jewry grows ever stronger with its attendant manipulation of America’s and England’s domestic and foreign policies acting in concert with each other. The chief of America’s new central bank — of the Rothschild banking dynasty — were Jewish foreigners who into American citizenship: Paul Warburg, his brother Felix, and Jacob Schiff. Testimony to the bank’s abiding Jewish control, today’s Federal Reserve remains dominated by Jews who oversee and fund at interest all the affairs of our tyrannical State. Behind the congressional puppets stands the Money Master — the Jew — sick, neurotic, carnal, haters of Christ, the cause of world unrest ever since Jewry was civil authority in Europe during the so-called Enlightenment. In both Alan Greenspan’s and Ben Shalom Bernanke’s chairmanships, as well as in the bank’s locus of power New York branch, Jewish names fill the list of players. Gentiles placed in high positions of the Fed are simply designed to drape Jewry’s preponderance and mastery of America’s monetary affairs.. As Thomas Jefferson once said, “Slavery to a military force can be abolished by an opposing force of arms.
But a debtor’s enslavement to a creditor, no weapons can overthrow” __________________________________ Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! Or Send Your Contribution To: The Brother Nathanael Foundation, PO Box 547, Priest River ID 83856 E-mail: ___________________________________ For More See: And: And: And: CLICK: Support Brother Nathanael! Or Send Your Contribution To: Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856 E-mail: « » 358 Comments • Dear Real Zionist News Family - Well, I think I’ve done it. I have PROVEN that America has NEVER BEEN FREE of Jewry’s enslavement. Believe me, I have researched this piece leaving NO STONE UNTURNED with close to 40 hours of intensive research.
Even during the 77 years since Jackson freeing America from the central bankers it really didn’t amount to much. This is because international Jewry FINANCED the railroads, (including the steel mills), and acted as the CLEARING HOUSE for the California Gold Rush and ALL of America’s gold. The Mocatta Family and the Oppenheimers and NM Rothschild TO THIS DAY are in charge of the world’s Gold Trading and they are ALL JEWS TIED TO ONE ANOTHER in their Synagogue of Satan. (See my embedded links in this article specific to his issue.) I don’t see how America is going to pull itself out of Jewry’s control. The Jews control every sphere of America’s infrastructure and with our jobs sent overseas by Jewish Finance Capital the white Chrisitan Middle Class — the ONLY BLOC THAT CAN OPPOSE THE JEWS — is sinking into a lower social caste. The gap between the rich (JEWS) and the middle class (White Gentiles) EVER WIDENS and it is Going to WIDEN EVER MORE SO in the next 5 years. This week’s The Economist has Obama on the Cover looking like a GIANT overlooking all the Republican MIDGETS coming out as presidential contenders.
Now, in case you did not know it, The Economist was founded by the Rothschilds and The Milner Group — a BANKER MAGAZINE — which tells me that JEW BANKING MONEY is going to put their “schwartza” back in office. I now have NO DOUBT about it. Then their schwartza will put all kinds of Gun Control Laws through — Pushed by the JEWS like Senator JEW Schumer the leader of Gun Control — to disarm the Goyim. A major “false flag” will be co-incidental with their schwarza’s Gun Controla “contingency” for a FULL BLOWN JEW-CONTROLLED POLICE STATE and pretext for a War on the Jew-feared Iran bringing more Gentile boys to their deaths.
You see, Jews DO NOT FIGHT IN THEIR GLOBAL WARS. The anti-Christ Jews, Senator Joseph Lieberman (Jews NEVER retire) and his ilk who CHAIR EVERY MAJOR SEAT In CONGRESS will send MORE GOYIM to their deaths and BRING THE GOYIM CATTLE in America into a GREATER Survelliance State with Mobile Survelliance Apparatus at every major Public event.
I advise to stock up now on firearms before its too late to take advantage of what’s left of our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. I myself am a monastic with the Russian Orthodox Church and monks are not to permitted “bear arms.” BUT FOR FAMILIES to PROTECT their property and their Loved Ones it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. And I am NOT advocating armed insurrection (the military is prepared for civil unrest anyways) with FEMA camps CONTROLLED BY LIEBERMAN AND HIS ILK (Jews NEVER retire).
Who else tells you these things? Alex Jones and his warnings about “globalists” and “elitists?” Or Paul Craig Roberts with his singling out “special interst groups?” Or Lew Rockwell (Von Misses and Rothbard, both JEWS, are his heroes even though he and Gary North are professed Christians) with his warnings about “modern day liberals” and “Constitution trashers?” Or how about those in the Truth Movement who “expose” the “Illuminati?” Naa. None of these popular Internet publicicsts. I think the best of the “truthers” is Mark Weber of IHR although he needs to realize that Russia (which has no use for the Third Reich) is the Power to watch. (More on this below) Only Brother Nathanael Kapner, shunned by these MSM “truth tellers” has the guts and the INSIDE TRACK (I grew up in Upper Middle Class Jewry), NAMES THE NAMES and uses the “JEW” word, feared to use by all the forementioned.
Yet, the Jews use the “Jew” word constantly, “Jews for This,” Jews against That,” Jews for Republicans,” “Jews for Democrats,” “Jews for Libertarianism,” “Jews for Democracy,” “Jews for Removal of Christian Symbols,” WHATEVER FLAVOR OF JEWRY YOU WANT - IT’S THERE - INFILTRATING EVERY SPHERE OF AMERICAN CIVILIZATION to America’s ULTIMATE JEW CONTROL and DESTRUCTION. I KNOW the JEWS’ GAME and I am here to WARN Americans of Jewry’s schemes: To DESTOY our freedoms and Annihilate Christianity from Western Civilization. I for one will STaND UP AGAINST THESE EVIL Christ-Haters. Download Filter Breaker Psiphon 5 For Pc. THey are the MOST NEUROTIC PEOPLE ON EARTH (and carnal sex addicts) like Weiner, Strauss Kahn — ALL OF THEM ARE PORNO ADDCITS — because the have refused their soul’s salvation in Christ and LIVE for earthly pleasures and earthly materialist wealth.
Let me now tell you what is happening geopolitically. Ever since post WW I nation-states lost their power and Jewish Finance Capital which knows NO boundaries, NO national loyalties, Now BASED in the City of London and Wall Street, became the “Great Power.” Like Satan who “roams the world seeking whom he may devour,” so it is with Jewish Finance Capital. The Jew Money Power took over completely America, especially after the Jewish Revolution of 1933 when they installed their puppet FDR in the White House SURROUNDED by JEWS, exploited America’s industrial power for their own global agenda. When Hitler opposed Jewish Finance Capital the Jews mustered ALL OF THEIR WICKED INFLUENCE against Germany and destroyed the nation of Britain and all of Continental Europe and brought on the hordes of the Soviet godless into Eastern Europe INFUSING ATHEISM throughout.
Now Jewish Finance Capital has PULLED OUT OF AMERICA, (largely due to the suicidal modus operendi of the AFL-CIO and other Trade Unions), and is now building up the “yellow peril” to the ultimate destruction of White Christian civilization. With Europe, that is, Germany, pulling closer and closer to Russia, now that Nuclear Power is on the wane throughout the EU, Russia is gaining greater leverage throughout Europe with its VAST energy resources and supplies, CREATING an opposing bloc to the Jew Money Power. We need to watch this development very closely. As an Orthodox nation now, (and I am with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia), Putin and the Russian Patriarch, Kirill, will have GREAT influence in correcting JEW-AMERICA’s denigrating “culture” of Hollywood throughout Europe. Christ’s Kingdom on earth has a chance now to take root. We must watch this development as it continues to emerge throughout greater Europe WHICH WILL INCLUDE the Orthodox Christian influene of Putin’s Russia.
—– NOW, with ALL OF THIS INFORMATION I DISPENSE which NO ONE ELSE on this planet gives — Will You Please help me in my cause to get out The Truth and to continue to bring the Cross of Christ across America? I NEED FINANCIAL HELP. I have to pay for a Dedicated Server, a Web Manager, a Computer Tech, Anti Hacking Software, Legal Retainer, Research Materials, News Subscription Services, Research Materials, Continual Legal Advice, Multiple Domain Names to Prevent Pirating, Video Technical Help, Multiple Video Venues besides YouTube such as VodPod and Vimeo to prepare for potential YouTube Ban, Server Watch to keep this site up 24/7, Street Evangelism Travel, ETC ETC and I AM GOING BROKE, DRAINED, and DISCOURAGED.
Klein Vaarbewijs Download Youtube. I thank Christ FOR THE FEW (and it keeps on getting fewer and fewer) who DO CARE and Help me FINANCIALLY. Please HELP ME TO CONTINUE WITH A GENEROUS DONATION. To Donate Simply Click: Or (My Personal Needs/rent, food etc): Donations May Also Be Sent To: The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856. (Personal Needs) Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856.
ONCE AGAIN: I THANK THE FEW OF YOU WHO DO HELP FINANCIALLY and WHO REALLY CARE ENOUGH to KEEP MY MINISTRY ALIVE! God Bless You All! Much LOVE and APPRECIATION to ALL! +Brother Nathanael • Dear Real Zionist News Family - This article is CHOCK FULL OF CONTENT (especially with the “independence day” upcoming”) THUS I INSIST that we STAY ON TOPIC at least for the first 2 days of this posting. Moderators PLEASE enforce this rule by putting all “off topic” comments on hold until further notice.
+BN • STREETS ACROSS AMERICA! — STREETS ACROSS AMERICA! — STREETS ACROSS AMERICA! Dear Real Zionist News Family, This Wednesday thru Friday I will be in downtown Chicago for Street Evangelism.
At the end of Jund I will be in NYC for Street Evangelism July 14-18 I will be in Monterey, Santa Cruz, and Carmel CAL for Street Evangelism. Tentative plans are being made for St Paul and Duluth Minnsesota for July or August. I am INDEED EXPANDING my Street Evangelism to EVERY MAJOR CITY and other areas in the next 5 years. If any of you would like to host me please contact me by email as listed on this site’s Home Page.
I will be going to Hastings Nebraska for Street Evangelism this Friday thru Monday. I have booked a Street Evangelism Trip for Chicago June 15-17 and a trip to NYC as well for late June. A trip to St Paul Minnesota is being planned for late July or August.